British Liberal Democrat MP Tom Brake told Rudaw that the result of yesterday’s referendum announced on Friday were not good for his country, saying, “Clearly the result this morning was a very sad result, it was not a good result for the United Kingdom. I think the impact, first of all economically, will be bad for the UK.”
The Lib Dem MP said that Britain leaving the European Union is going to hurt the EU and its ability to work on large issues such as climate change and the refugee crisis.
“I think the potential would, in fact be for the whole world economy to be affected,” he added. “We’ve seen some immediate impact in terms of the value of the pound. The value of our banks and companies that build homes in the UK.”
Brake said that it may all be “if we are lucky” an instant response, “but all the experts predicted that there is going to be a much longer impact."
from Rudaw
via Defense News
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