India – Act to win the Cold war

indo-pakThe biggest political event in the world post world war II was the end of cold war in 1991. Unthinkable happened, US defeated USSR without the all-out nuclear war. Americans watched in disbelief as once the mighty Soviet empire collapsed without US firing a Bullet.  The holocaust predictors were stunned. Theorists of Nuclear balance and stalemate vanished overnight.

India – Pak rivalry too is a similar equation. Nuclear armed and Revisionist Pakistan rattles its sabres against a Nuclear armed India. Pundits shake their head in futility of the Situation for India. What can India do to a Nuclear armed Pakistan? India cannot afford a conventional war as it will snowball into a Nuclear war.

In the whole story what is conveniently forgotten is the Economic frailty of Pakistan and the Economic prowess of India. The current Indian Forex reserves stand at USD 371 bn as against Pakistan Forex reserves of USD 21 Bn.  The foreign debt of Pakistan is 50% of its GDP. Pakistan is facing a repayment of USD 50bn in 2016. Yet Pakistan is acting and India complaining.

US won the cold war by spending huge amounts on weapons. USSR got bankrupted in trying to keep up with the US spending. The Economic collapse, resulted in disintegration of USSR, which resulted in end of Cold war.

It’s time for India to call the Pakistani bluff and make the move. India should up the stakes in the Indian subcontinent. Purchase or manufacture, hundreds of F-35s ,  Pak FA’s , Awac’s , Kamov Helicopters,  Thousands of latest tanks, Artillery, modernise Infantry,   get 50 + new Submarines, 10 + aircraft carriers,  BMD’s over the period of next 10-15 years.

Panicked Pakistan will increase its spending much beyond its means. USD 20Bn of forex reserves will not stop it from spending to achieve parity / balance.  This will lead Pakistan to Bankruptcy and the fate of USSR will await it. Volatile Pakistan will disintegrate into smaller parts like Baluchistan, Sind, Gilgit , Kashmir , Punjab etc. India will win the cold war.

Its time India decides to swallow the bitter Pill to cure this tumour.


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