Israel to Acquire Hundreds of New Trophy APS

Israel’s Ministry of Defense (IMOD) plans to continue the acquisition of Trophy active protection systems (APS), to equip every new Merkava 4 tank and Namer Heavy Armored Personnel Carrier (APC) with active protection, providing significant additional protection for every tank and APC. MOD Director General, Gen. (res) Udi Adam, instructed the Directorate of Production and Procurement (DOPP) to purchase hundreds of additional from Rafael Advanced Defense Systems.

These two Windguard AESA radars are part of the 360 degrees sensor of the Trophy system. They provide the situational picture, threat detection and fire control cueing for the Trophy APS system. Photo: IMOD These two Windguard AESA radars are part of the 360 degrees sensor of the Trophy system. They provide the situational picture, threat detection and fire control cueing for the Trophy APS system. Photo: IMOD

Each Trophy system integrates an early warning and battle management radar covering 360 degrees,and the effectors, comprised of multiuple explosive-formed projectiles designed to defeat income threats at a stand-off distance. According to IMOD sources the cost of the APS acquisition will be in the ‘hundreds of millions of shekels’.

IAI's 'Windguard' radar is part of Rafael's Trophy APS. It is the 'eyes and ears' that triggers the active protection and also provides a critical situational awareness localizing threats around the combat formation. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-UpdateIAI’s ‘Windguard’ radar is part of Rafael’s Trophy APS. It is the ‘eyes and ears’ that triggers the active protection and also provides a critical situational awareness localizing threats around the combat formation. Photo: Tamir Eshel, Defense-Update

Fielded in 2011 the Trophy APS proved its lifesaving efficiency in numerous combat engagement, particularly during operation Operation ‘Protective Edge’ in Gaza in 2014. In recent months, the Tank Management Program at the Ministry of Defense, together with the IDF Ground Forces, conducted a series of successful tests on the Namer APC equipped with the Trophy System. Completion of the trials and the integration process allowed for the procurement and production of hundreds of additional Trophy systems. Apart from the Merkava and Namer tracked armored fighting vehicles the IMOD plans to integrate the Tropy (either in its current version or in a more compact configuration) on future wheeled APCs such as the Eitan, of which a prototype is currently in evaluation.

Trophy, the winner of Israel’s Security Prize, is considered the world’s leading, operational active protection system. Apart from the increased survivability, Trophy and its panoramic sensors add a significant benefit of increased situational awareness, providing indication and localization of the enemy’s active firing positions – information that can be transformed into rapid engagement by the combat force.

namer_trophy_1021All new Namer heavy APC s rolling off the production line will be equipped with Trophy APS, along with all Merkava Mk 4 that began receiving the system since 2011. Photo: IMOD US-built kits represent more than 50 percent of the cost of the vehicles. The kits are assembled in Israel into several variants, including APC, combat engineering, technical support and command vehicles. All will receive APS to improve combat survivability. Photo: IDF Spokesman.US-built kits represent more than 50 percent of the cost of the vehicles. The kits are assembled in Israel into several variants, including APC, combat engineering, technical support and command vehicles. All will receive APS to improve combat survivability. Photo: IDF Spokesman.

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Israel to Acquire Hundreds of New Trophy APS Israel to Acquire Hundreds of New Trophy APS Reviewed by Unknown on 06:29:00 Rating: 5

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