Canada Confirms Interest In Australian Hornets

(Source: Public Services and Procurement Canada; issued Oct. 9, 2017)

Canada has confirmed that it has asked Australia whether it was willing to sell some F-18A Hornet fighters, but it is not clear what capabilities these older aircraft would add to Canada’s own Hornet fleet. (RAAF photo)

OTTAWA --- Canada is building a more agile, better-equipped military, while ensuring the utmost care and prudence in the handling of public funds. Getting our women and men in uniform the equipment they need to do their jobs and protect Canadians, is a priority.

In November 2016, the Government of Canada announced a plan to replace the Royal Canadian Air Force fighter jet fleet. The Canada's Defence Policy: Strong, Secure, Engaged, released in June 2017, reaffirmed the government's commitment to invest appropriately in Canada's military.

Preparatory work for the competition is already underway. Until an open and transparent competition can be completed to replace Canada's legacy CF-18 fleet, Canada is exploring options to supplement the current CF-18 fleet and address an existing fighter capability gap.

In late August 2017, Canada began discussions with the Australian Government to assess the potential purchase of F/A-18 fighter aircraft and associated parts they plan to sell. On September 29, 2017, Canada submitted an Expression of Interest, formally marking Canada's interest in the Australian equipment.

Canada expects to receive a response by the end of this year that will provide details regarding the availability and cost of the aircraft and associated parts that Canada is considering.

Separate discussions with Boeing related to the interim purchase of Super Hornet aircraft remain suspended. The Government of Canada continues to engage with the U.S. Government as it explores all options moving forward.

The Government of Canada will continue to provide updates and keep Canadians informed of its progress as it moves forward on replacing and supplementing Canada's fighter aircraft.


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Canada Confirms Interest In Australian Hornets Canada Confirms Interest In Australian Hornets Reviewed by Unknown on 05:12:00 Rating: 5

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