Source:-RAW declares Hybrid War – Pak Media
The conventional wars have now taken over by the intelligence which are fought with dirty tricks and damaging tools to destroy vital abilities of enemies. This new intelligence warfare started after the World War 2 when USA decided to launch CIA. The warfare trend was set by the CIA operation. Italy, the European countries and even PM Winston Churchill was not spared. These intelligence warfare dirty tricks were first exposed by Phliph and Aggey in their co-authored book “Dirty tricks”.The most recent warfare by Indian Raw is magnified five-fold by using similar resources;
1. Isolation of Pakistan internationally
2. Attempt to declare Pakistan as terrorist state and sponsor of money laundering/ terrorist financing.
3. Attack on Pakistan through Cyber network and Indian RAW sponsored anti Pakistan through TV/ film and raw sponsored books through their motivated intellectual brainwashing.
4. Build pressure on Eastern boarder through cold doctrine and western boarders through their Co-partner NDS.
5. Creating unrest in Baluchistan and KPK and to energize the conspiracy of breaking Pakistan as announced by the Defence Minister of India, duly endorsed by no less than PM Modi.
RAW is trying its best to isolate Pakistan from world and as per reports from the Indian media, it has been given an unlimited and unaudited budget against Pakistan. There is a special allocation of budget to RAW for the isolation and disability of Baluchistan in order to discredit Pakistan eventually.
On 8th September 2016, Indian RAW orchestrated a fake attack on its Uri bas close to LOC with Pakistan and like all other previous attacks following the same old strategy they put blame on Pakistan for it. It was actually a “blatant” attempt to divert attention from the fast deteriorating human rights situation in the Indian Occupied Kashmir since the death of Burhan Wani.
Similarly, Pakistan was blamed for the India – Pakistan Samjhota Express attacks on 18th Feb 2007, that killed 68 Pakistanis. But later the Hindu extremist leader Swami Aseemanand, a leader of Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) who has strong ties with Modi’s BJP, confessed to having been a part of the incident. He also confessed in the court that several RSS preachers and Sang activists were directly involved in planning, funding and executing Samjhauta Express, Ajmer, Malegaon and Mecca Masjid blasts. He even said that Gen J J Singh is “with us” (former Singh was Army Chief till Sept. 2007). Indian Lt Colonel Shrikant Prasad Purohit was also found evidently involved in 2008 blast in the Muslim-majority Malegaon town in Nasik district of Maharashtra, further linked to the Samjhota Express terrorist attack. In fact, RAW sponsored and financed Raymond Davis to write the book “The Contractor”. He was approached by RAW’s Additional Secretary Jagnathan Kumar in order to malign Pakistan’s premier agency ISI, the Pakistan military and the civilian leadership.
In November 2017, Indian RAW lobbied with its CIA counterpart against Pakistan lodging complaint with FATF to put Pakistan’s name on FATF’s blacklist upon baseless and false charges. It sent a secretary-level delegation to Moscow on Jan 31 to undermine Pakistan. The Indian media reported that in his recent visits to Gulf countries, Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi also asked them not to support Pakistan at the FATF. It is no secret that India’s notorious intelligence agency (RAW), has been planning and executing covert operations inside Pakistan through proxies and terrorist networks. In 2009, the then Interior Minister Rehman Malik handed over a dossier of RAW’s involvement in terrorist activities to the then Indian Interior Minister Chadam Baram. He proved it with a set of rightful evidences by presenting them in the Interpol Conference and many other forums.
In 2013, Indian Army Chief General Vijay Kumar Singh admitted that following the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the Indian army raised a Tactical Support Division (TSD), which carried out bomb blasts in Pakistan, and doled out money to separatist elements in Baluchistan. Solid evidence of Indian clandestine activities was discovered in March 2016 when Pakistan’s intelligence and security agencies unearthed the largest RAW network to date, which had been involved in carrying out terrorist activities. Leading this network was the now infamous Kulbushan Jadhav, an Indian Navy commissioned officer, who was arrested by Pakistan Army operating from the Pakistan-Iran border area. He was arrested in 2016 in Baluchistan, giving proof of this international controversy against Pakistan. The man himself confessed that many other agents like him have been deployed by the RAW in Karachi and other territories of Pakistan to spread terrorism across the country. Furthermore, he also confessed to being assigned by RAW “to plan and organize espionage and sabotage activities” in the Baluchistan Province and Karachi, the southern port city that is the country’s commercial hub.
RAW is also behind the sponsorship and promotion of a banned extremist outfit (BLA) Baloch Liberation Army in UK and Switzerland. RAW is funding this group of Baloch insurgents to run advertising campaigns against Pakistan by circulating posters with “Free Baluchistan” written on them to attack the sovereignty of Pakistan. India has always been fomenting unrest in Baluchistan by funding and helping the separatist in the province. In 2016, while addressing a press conference in Islamabad, our former Interior Minister Rehman Malik had given a 5 hrs. long briefing on how separatist leader Brahamdad Bugti was enjoying complete support of RAW for disturbing peace in Baluchistan.
Adding insult to injury now, the thrice elected Prime Minister of Pakistan Nawaz Sharif has also given an irresponsible statement against Pakistan. This statement has created political unrest in the country with various controversial views coming out in the media. Indian Defence Minister Nirmala Sitharaman also responded to the statement saying: “It proved India’s position that the handlers of 26/11 Mumbai terror attack were in Pakistan. “Well, it is very serious disclosure. India’s position has been that the mastermind of the Mumbai terror attack operated from Pakistan. We strongly believe that the handlers of the attack were in Pakistan. It (Sharif’s remarks) only proves that India’s stand has been right all the way,” she said at a press conference”.
Reading Former DG ISI Asad Durrani’s book “The Spy Chronicles: RAW, ISI and the Illusion of Peace”, co-authored by Ex-RAW Chief AS Dulat, it seems quite suspicious that it was released right at the time when Nawaz Sharif gave his statement regarding Mumbai attacks, defaming the armed forces and their success in WAT (War Against Terror).
In this book Gen. Durrani has defamed military leadership by putting forth allegations that they cooperated with Americans on the Bin Laden issue and sold him for 50 million dollars. According to Gen. Durrani, Army Chief Gen. Kiyani met the Americans on USS Carl Vinson in Arabian sea and finalized the deal, to hand over Bin Laden in exchange of 50 million Dollars. Former DG-ISI also writes that it was an officer of ISI who informed Americans about presence of Bin Laden in Abbottabad and in return, he demanded the prize money on Bin Laden’s head, along with US immigration and permanent residence in USA. It is worth mentioning that Gen. Durrani himself has been accused of using ISI in political activities and destabilizing Benazir Bhutto’s government, by former Army Chief Gen. Aslam Baig.
The writer is a PPP Senator, former Interior Minister of Pakistan, and Chairman of think tank “Global Eye” and Senate Body on Interior and Narcotics.
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