Up to 14,000 Airbus Jobs At Risk: Report

PARIS --- Airbus is looking to hold underlying jet output at 40% below pre-pandemic plans for two years, an approach which adds new pressure to cut thousands of jobs, industry sources said.

The European planemaker has so far announced output cuts of a third from its plans before the coronavirus crisis struck air travel, but some analysts have said this is optimistic.

Airbus, after adjusting for different levels of labor intensity, has now calculated that its “single-aisle equivalent” production rate, which is likely to drive decisions on staffing, will be down 40% for two years, the sources told Reuters.

The newly introduced barometer adjusts for the different amounts of labor needed to make each type of plane.

For example, it takes 5 times as many people to build an A350 as to make one A320, while the A380, which is going out of production, needs 8 times more people per plane.

Since production is dominated by the single-aisle A320, that is the lens through which Airbus will make resource decisions. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Reuters website.


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Up to 14,000 Airbus Jobs At Risk: Report Up to 14,000 Airbus Jobs At Risk: Report Reviewed by Unknown on 05:43:00 Rating: 5

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