The US Army has been testing the Multi-Mission Launcher at White Sands Missile Range for the past several weeks. The most recent test successfully fired a Miniature Hit to Kill Missile from the launcher.
The MML successfully fired the the AIM 9X, Stinger, and Hellfire missiles during previous testing.
These tests are to show the capabilities of the Indirect Fire Protect ion Capability Increment 2-Intercept or IFPC Inc 2-1.
The MML was developed from the ground up by the US Army Aviation and Missile Research, Development, and Engineering Center located on Redstone Arsenal.
The MML is a mobile platform that can fire a variety of different missiles and rotates 360 degrees.
The tests, which are taking place at White Sands Missile Range, are to prove out the Indirect Fire Protection Capability Increment 2- Intercept capability which should be able to defend against UAVs, mortars, incoming missiles, rockets and more. According to the Army the hellfire has recently shown promise in protecting against enemy UAVs.
More than 150 Redstone Arsenal employees from the Program Executive Office for Missiles and Space Cruise Missile Defense Systems and the US Army Aviation and Missile Research Development and Engineering Center teamed up on the MML project which was completed in 2015 ahead of schedule.
According to the two organizations this is the first development of a major acquisition program by the government organic industrial base in more than 30 years.
According to PEO Missiles and Space there is another test scheduled for April 14th and the final test will take place on April 22nd. Check back for updates.
US Army successfully fired a MHTK Miniature Hit-to-Kill missile from its newest mobile platform
Reviewed by Unknown
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