Germany to Order 5 Additional K-130 Corvettes

Although designated corvettes by the German navy, K-130-class ships displace nearly 1,900 tonnes and are equivalent to the light frigates used by many navies, as evidenced by the “F” prefix of their hull numbers. (Photo by Torsten Bätge)

ROSTOCK, Germany --- The K-130-class corvettes are the workhorse of the German navy. They were successfully used in numerous tasks in the Baltic Sea, the Mediterranean Sea and the Horn of Africa. With a view to further increasing operational capabilities, a second batch of this proven ship type is exactly what the German Navy now needs.

The demand for more ships and boats for the German Navy is due to the increasing efforts and the increased demands on NATO.

The Class K130 Corvettes have demonstrated their capabilities, among other things, in the anti-piracy operation Atalanta, the sea rescue operation Sophia and in the maritime NATO deployments.

For example, the corvette "Erfurt" was deployed on 17 missions in just three months. During this period, the crew changed four times before the ship returned to Warnemünde.

The subsequent procurement of these corvettes is therefore only logical. Because the ships can be handed over to the navy relatively quickly, they will bring urgently-needed relief. In addition, the follow-up batch will avoid the initial teething troubles which considerably delayed the deployment of the corvettes ten years ago, when the K 130 was first introduced.

The Inspector of the Navy, (chief of staff—Ed.) Vice Admiral Andreas Krause, once again stressed the importance of the post-production of the corvettes K130 at the navy’s meeting in early January 2017: "These ships will not just reinforce the emergency missions that the German navy was assigned, they will also allow to resume operations in the northern flank, which has been neglected. Germany originally ordered only five K-130 corvettes.

This type of vessel is capable of worldwide deployment, and complements the existing capabilities of the fleet. Corvettes are optimized for patrol and control missions, especially in coastal waters.

The home port of the 1st Corvette Squadron, with five corvettes, is the naval base in Rostock-Warnemünde, on the Baltic coast.


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Germany to Order 5 Additional K-130 Corvettes Germany to Order 5 Additional K-130 Corvettes Reviewed by Unknown on 05:11:00 Rating: 5

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