Catalan mayors refuse to give in to Madrid pressure

Over the past few days, the hottest news of Spanish media outlets has been Madrid’s demand for all the councilors of Catalonia to appear in front of the court for investigation on charges of supporting the independence referendum of Catalonia set to be held on October 1. 

“Councilors haven’t done something bad. They just want people to go and vote. We want the people of Catalonia to live free and have their own country. The countries opposing independence for Catalonia were previously invaded and were asking for freedom and they got it. Now we are asking for this freedom. We are a nation of 7 million people. We want to vote for the referendum freely,” Alfred Bosij Councilor of Catalonia, who is also leader of the Leftist Republican Party in Catalonia, told Rudaw.

Although Madrid is against the referendum due to be held by Catalonia, the EU is saying that they will not be admitting them as a member state within the EU even if they declare independence.

Many Catalans in Barcelona feel they have been treated unjustly by the Spanish government and seek independence. 

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Catalan mayors refuse to give in to Madrid pressure Catalan mayors refuse to give in to Madrid pressure Reviewed by Unknown on 13:41:00 Rating: 5

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