US Lifts Cyprus Arms Embargo, Sparking Turkish Ire and Retaliation Threats

US Lifts Cyprus Arms Embargo As Turkey Fumes (excerpt)

(Source: Financial Mirror; published Dec. 18, 2019)

The US Congress has lifted a 32-year-long arms embargo on Cyprus, defying Turkey as it seeks closer ties with Nicosia at a time of renewed regional tensions.

Turkey warned that the US moves to lift the arms embargo would undermine efforts to reunite the island and create a “dangerous escalation.”

The US decision “will have no outcome other than hampering efforts towards a settlement on the island and creating a dangerous escalation,” the Turkish foreign ministry said.

The Senate approved the measure as part of a massive defence spending bill that passed 86 to eight and already went through the House of Representatives, with President Donald Trump likely to sign it.

The United States imposed the embargo in 1987 to prevent an arms race and encourage Cyprus reunification.

Critics say the step has been counterproductive by forcing Cyprus to seek arms from Russia while Turkey, a NATO member, has over 30,000 troops stationed in the Turkish-held north of the island since its invasion in 1974. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the Financial Mirror website.


Turkey Accuses US Congress of ‘Hostile’ Behaviour (excerpt)

(Source: Financial Times; published Dec. 18, 2019)

By Laura Pitel

ANKARA --- Turkey has accused the US Congress of “hostile” behaviour after senators passed punitive measures against Ankara, underscoring the growing tensions between the two Nato members.

Ankara claimed on Wednesday that members of Congress were “acting under the influence of anti-Turkish circles” after they approved the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), a sprawling military bill that included provisions intended to punish Turkey for its growing closeness with Russia — and for a simmering dispute with Cyprus over natural gas reserves in the eastern Mediterranean.

“The language of threats and sanctions will never dissuade Turkey from resolutely taking steps to ensure its national security,” the Turkish foreign ministry said in a statement. “No one should doubt that necessary measures will be taken against these initiatives targeting Turkey.”

The sprawling $738bn defence bill, which was approved by the US Senate on Tuesday and is expected to be signed into law by president Donald Trump shortly, renewed a decision to exclude Turkey from the US-led F-35 fighter jet programme — a retaliatory move in response to Ankara’s purchase of a Russian-made S-400 air defence system.

The same bill created leeway for Mr Trump to lift a decades-old arms embargo on Cyprus if certain conditions are met. (end of excerpt)

Click here for the full story, on the FT website.


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US Lifts Cyprus Arms Embargo, Sparking Turkish Ire and Retaliation Threats US Lifts Cyprus Arms Embargo, Sparking Turkish Ire and Retaliation Threats Reviewed by Unknown on 06:02:00 Rating: 5

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