Improvised Explosive Devices (IEDs) have killed and maimed hundreds of British troops and civilians in recent conflicts.
Now a little known and specialised military team of Army crime scene investigators are taking a new approach to the problem.
One of their skills is gathering forensic evidence from IEDs to help track down the bombers.
They deploy alongside bomb disposal teams to help hunt down the terrorists. One of 25 Military Intelligence Exploitation’s officers explained the nature of the team.
These British Army bomb teams are among 1,600 British troops in Jordan taking part in Exercise Shamal Storm.
In one of the exercise’s scenarios intelligence leads troops to a bomb factory. The terrorist have fled but not before planting a device.
Just as they did thousands of times in Helmand, an explosives search dog soon locates the IED. What happens next though, is different.
Whereas bomb disposal teams traditionally destroyed most devices they found in controlled explosions, the focus is now on trying to make them safe.
This preserves as much forensic and biometric evidence as possible for the new Army CSI teams to exploit. It's already had an impact as their CO explains.
Crime scene investigation has traditionally been the preserve of the security forces and police.
Now the army itself can do the job, and beat the bomber.
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